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NEW Gifts Page!

  • Posted on 11/18/2018

For those of you who have visited the 'Gifts' page in the last week, you would have read the notice that I was creating a Brand New Design. Well, it is installed, and running. New Design, New Gifts! There are so many Gifts, I had to add Categories :) Here is a screencap of the new page :) It has been chopped down to fit of course. There are now over One Hundred Gifts! Only about 92 are showing now because we are working on new Categories which are not displayed yet. I will be adding new Gifts and Categories over time, so check the selection from time to time.

To 'Send a Gift', go to any profile (not your own), and click on 'Send Gift' :) Browse around and let me know what you think via our HANDY rating system on the left! You can see exactly what will be sent by clicking on any 'Gift' image.

Any gifts (sent in the past 2 years) are still in the system, and will display on your gifts 'Sent' or 'Received' page, but most do not show up on the new 'Send a Gift' page.

p.s. On your own 'Sent' / 'Received' gifts page, I have added links under the gift, so with a click, you can Send that member a gift, or Send that member a message :)

New Gifts Page


Neko_Twink_owo ( Free Member )

  • Posted 4 years ago
bruh moment

Sparky ( Supporting Member )

  • Posted 5 years ago
Really? REALLY?? I spent weeks on the Gift redesign so it would be finished before december. I figured lots and lots of Christmas cards would be sent out! I sent out more than 50 myself. I am very sad that all that work was for naught. Its a fantastic way to tell someone you care, and you are thinkging about them. Great way to bring in a new year.
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